cooking, baking, and a home in the making


Bathroom Organization for Under $10

Bathroom Organization for Under $10

I gave myself a goal in April to finally get some sense of bathroom organization in our master bathroom. One of my friends (nicely) teased me that I gave myself an entire month to do something that could be done in an afternoon, but the 

Our Current Normal: Parenting Tips While Social Distancing

Our Current Normal: Parenting Tips While Social Distancing

I hesitated to call this post our ‘new’ normal because I am hoping this is temporary and we will likely get back to our real normal eventually. So right now, this is our current normal. And it’s hard. Ben and I both work full time. 

Welcome to Court’s House!

Welcome to Court’s House!

If you’ve been following my recipes for a while, you may notice a change to my blog. I’ve had a lot of changes in my life in the past 3 years and I felt that it was time for my blog to reflect it. So, welcome to Court’s House!

Our New Home

Our New Home

We’ve officially been moved into our new house for 3 months now and things are coming together. We had a lot of updates we wanted to do and we’re slowly making our way through them. While we’re busy checking off to-dos, I haven’t had much 

Wine Club Disposable Decor with Design Design

Wine Club Disposable Decor with Design Design

I joined a wine club not long after moving here to WV and it was such a great way to get to know a few girls in the area. Plus, it gives us each a chance to host and pretty up our places for company. 

A Cooking Lover’s Wedding Registry

A Cooking Lover’s Wedding Registry

I’m all finished with my bridal showers! What a whirlwind that was. My friends in WV threw me a surprise bridal shower disguised as a Great Gatsby themed wine club. I had a cooking themed shower courtesy of my friend Andrea and my mom and 

My 5 Sunny Summer Essentials

My 5 Sunny Summer Essentials

Summer is in full swing and in Morgantown that means it’s hot a humid a lot of the time! I’ve been taking advantage of our apartment’s pool, my little deck, and the West Virginia recreation as much as possible. With only a few months left 

August Favorites: Firmoo and bkr

August Favorites: Firmoo and bkr

Holy cow! It is the end of August, can you believe it?! I’m a little sad that summer is coming to an end, but I have to say that Summer 2014 has been a great one! I had a whole bunch of obsessions this month,