cooking, baking, and a home in the making

Mac and Cheese Reviews

Mac and Cheese Review: Goldfish Butter Parmesan

Mac and Cheese Review: Goldfish Butter Parmesan

I know I already reviewed Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Mac and Cheese, but I saw this Butter Parmesan flavor and had to try it. Sadly, I wasn’t that impressed. Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Butter Parmesan Mac and Cheese Review: Sauce: This sauce was a creamy consistency, but 

Pirate’s Booty Mac and Cheese Review

Pirate’s Booty Mac and Cheese Review

I was shopping at Target the other day having one of those “I’m not just going to wait in line to buy one thing” moments. I really needed a box of cereal, but the thought of buying just one item annoyed me. So of course, 

Mac and Cheese Review: Pepperidge Farm Goldfish

Mac and Cheese Review: Pepperidge Farm Goldfish

I am a self proclaimed mac and cheese connoisseur. If I see a new cheesy noodle product at the store, you know I have to try it. I’ve tried as many as I can find and I usually have a pretty strong opinion about it. 

Mac and Cheese Review: Horizon Mac and Cheese

Mac and Cheese Review: Horizon Mac and Cheese

I was super excited when I found this Horizon Mac and Cheese on the shelf at Kroger. I am into Horizon chocolate milk and I’ve heard good things about their other products, so I thought their mac and cheese would be a fun one to