cooking, baking, and a home in the making

Pinterest Recipes

Pinterest Recipe: Miracle Mac & Cheese

Pinterest Recipe: Miracle Mac & Cheese

So, Labor Day has come and gone. This makes me both sad and excited. Sad because it means summer is coming to a close, but excited because it means fall is coming and work will get super busy and fun for the holidays! I was 

Pinterest Recipe: Microwave Mac

Pinterest Recipe: Microwave Mac

It is a lazy Sunday. Molly and I have been watching Food Network all day. I think she has a little crush on Bobby Flay. What better way to spend a Sunday than testing some mac & cheese recipes? I probably received the link to 

Pinterest Recipe: Vanilla No Bake Cookies

Pinterest Recipe: Vanilla No Bake Cookies

The last weekend in July, my friend Jake had his annual pig roast/pool party that I have always looked forward to. I wasn’t able to go last year, so this year I made the trip back to Muskegon the weekend after I had just returned