cooking, baking, and a home in the making


Comfort Food Bliss

Comfort Food Bliss

I’ve been in desperate need of comfort food lately. Yes, for me that is obviously macaroni and cheese. You may be thinking, “But, you eat mac and cheese every day!” While this is true, I haven’t eaten MY mac and cheese in a long time. 

Andrea + Sangria

Andrea + Sangria

This weekend my friend Andrea came to visit! She has been one of my best friends since FOURTH GRADE and I love that she can come visit and be completely content sitting on my couch eating junk food and watching movies we’ve already seen 948324 

Pasta + White Wine Sauce

Pasta + White Wine Sauce

I was on vacation for a week and then the very next weekend I went back to Michigan AGAIN for a friend’s pool party/pig roast (for which I made some AMAZING no-bake cookies, recipe to come soon!) the very next weekend. That was a lot 

Grilled Mac and Cheese

Grilled Mac and Cheese

I had to do it. I HAD to try mac in grilled cheese form. And quite frankly, you can thank me for it later. This was the ultimate so-so-bad but so-so-good recipe I have made to date. If you decide to make this, please do 

Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese

Slow Cooker Mac & Cheese

I’m surprised I lasted this long without a macaroni and cheese post. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been eating plenty (I love you Stouffers!), but I just haven’t had the time to sit down and cook up a batch lately. Being the brave soul that