cooking, baking, and a home in the making

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Gingerbread Cobbler

Gingerbread Cobbler

There is something about the holidays that turns me into a complete sugar fiend. As soon as I get the first whiff of fall I am ready to start inhaling desserts like it’s my job. In November it’s usually pumpkin and apple and then come 

Homemade Green Bean Casserole

Homemade Green Bean Casserole

Let me start out by saying that I LOVE GREEN BEAN CASSEROLE. And I mean the canned green beans, cream of mushroom soup, mushy, casserole-y, classic that I eat 4 helpings of on Thanksgiving. That being said, my husband doesn’t love it. He doesn’t like 

My Favorite Apple Pie Recipe

My Favorite Apple Pie Recipe

This is quite possibly my favorite pie of all time. I am a huge pumpkin pie girl, but man, this apple pie has my heart. I have tweaked this recipe for a couple of years and this is turning out to be THE ONE. It’s 

Caramel Apple Fireballs

Caramel Apple Fireballs

I have my cousin Ashley to thank for my very first sip of Fireball Whisky. However, I feel like I had an unfair advantage because she warned me about the risks before I even tried it. I’ll pass her warning along to everyone else: “That’s 

Chipotle Feta Hummus

Chipotle Feta Hummus

I still remember the first time I made this Chipotle Feta Hummus. I made it for my then-boyfriend, now husband, and he absolutely loved it. So I figured I’d make a batch for my brother and my dad for a visit we were having with 

Easy Meal Prep: Cook Once Eat All Week

Easy Meal Prep: Cook Once Eat All Week

My biggest struggle since becoming a mom is cooking. I never thought I would say that, but here we are. Let me remind you that this blog started out as a cooking blog. I LOVED to cook, always have. But from the moment I got 

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

Homemade Chicken Noodle Soup

During the cold winter months, there is nothing better than a hot bowl of homemade chicken noodle soup! I don’t always make it from scratch, in fact, I honestly rarely do. But when I have the ingredients and the time, it really does make a 

Blackberry Brandy Fizz Cocktail

Blackberry Brandy Fizz Cocktail

This blackberry fizz cocktail is a perfect way to start your new year! It’s bubbly, fizzy, and just the right amount of sweetness. You can easily make this a mocktail by just skipping the brandy and using a sparkling cider instead of the sparkling Moscato.