cooking, baking, and a home in the making

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Cheesy Chipotle Chili

Cheesy Chipotle Chili

When I lived at home, my dad used to make his version of the classic Velveeta and Hormel Chili Dip on Sundays for football games. His version included chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, and cayenne pepper. Yes, it was spicy. And yes, it was delicious! I 

5 Holiday Side Dishes for Christmas Dinner

5 Holiday Side Dishes for Christmas Dinner

  I mentioned that I hosted my first Thanksgiving this year, with a lot of help from my mom. I won’t be hosting Christmas dinner as we’re making our rounds with the families in Michigan and will be spoiled rotten with all the good food 

Caramel Apple Cider Cocktail

Caramel Apple Cider Cocktail

Is it just me, or is everyone extra hyped for fall this year? Maybe it’s because we are relishing in the changing seasons more than ever this year since our daily lives are so monotonous due to Covid. Either way, I’m on that fall bandwagon 

Warm Bacon and Cheese Dip

Warm Bacon and Cheese Dip

It’s officially football season, y’all! As much as I’d like to pretend the first two weeks of the Lion’s schedule never happened, football season is here and I will still enjoy it!  Anyway, let’s talk about food. I love me some snacks when it’s football 

Cherry Vanilla Muffins

Cherry Vanilla Muffins

I’ve mentioned before that I try to meal plan our breakfasts for the week and usually end up making this casserole or some muffins on Sunday to eat throughout the week. I am not normally a fruit person, but my husband is, so I like 

Orange Crinkle Cookies

Orange Crinkle Cookies

Sometimes during the warmer months, I forget how much I like baking. Fall is perfect for pies, I love pretty much every baked-good imaginable in Winter, but in Summer I really like to make cookies. Cookies are easy to prep, quick to bake, and store 

Sausage, Kale, and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole

Sausage, Kale, and Sweet Potato Breakfast Casserole

Every week I have big plans to do a lot of meal prep on the weekends so we have breakfasts to eat throughout the week. I’m not sure why, but breakfasts are the hardest meal for me to make. I am a morning person, so 

Cooking Tools You’ll Use Every Day

Cooking Tools You’ll Use Every Day

Cooking can be intimidating. You have to find recipes, shop for the recipes, then you have to actually make the recipes. Then you have to do it all again the next day and the day after that. I can see why so many people rely