cooking, baking, and a home in the making

Tag: Terrier Mix

Molly’s Birthday!

Molly’s Birthday!

Today is Molly’s FOURTH birthday! Technically I’ve only had her for a year, but she was 3 when I got her, so I’ve decided that the day she was adopted is her new birthday. She was spoiled rotten today. Can you blame me?! She got 

New Camera + Molly

New Camera + Molly

I was finally talked into buying a DSLR camera. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t have much of an “eye” when it comes to taking photos. In February my friend Melia and I were in Florida and we took a picture at 

Jacairn Terrier?

Jacairn Terrier?

I. Love. My. Dog. There I said it. I don’t quite think it’s turned into an unhealthy obsession.. yet. But I could be well on my way to borderline psychotic. And no, I don’t care. Just look at this face: I found Molly at Paws