cooking, baking, and a home in the making

Green Spinach Smoothie

Let me preface this post by saying, I am in no way ready to give up my comfort food, but hopefully you’ve noticed I’ve been trying to mix in some healthy additions here and there! I received a juicer for Christmas 2 years ago and I find it a lot easier to drink my veggies than it is to actually eat them. So, this weekend I played around with a spinach smoothie recipe that has both fruits and veggies.


1-1/2 cup green tea
2 cups spinach
2 cups frozen fruit
2 Tbsp. honey

Add your tea, honey (Bigelow Green Peach is my ALL TIME favorite) and spinach to the blender.

Green Smoothie Recipe

Then top with your partially thawed fruit (I used a tropical blend of pineapple, peach and banana).

Green Spinach Smoothie Recipe

Blend until everything is smooth and then enjoy!

Green Tea Spinach Smoothie

Now that I’ve seemingly conquered healthing-up my diet, it’s time for the next step. Exercising! I have been going for a run on nights I have time for it, and I also recently went to my first Zumba class with Julia. I don’t really want to talk about how that went, or my severe lack of rhythm, but I’ll just say it was fun.

As if decompressing and sweating out stress after a long day weren’t good enough reasons to start exercising more, I was also contacted by a company called Ellie to try out some of their workout gear. I have read a lot of complaints online about their service to date, but I can also tell you I’ve heard they have some changes in place now that should alleviate some of the concerns, such as slow shipping and stock issues.

I’ve gone for a couple runs in my new gear so far. I am head over heels in love with the Raven Capris. I’ve even washed them twice and they’ve held their shape perfectly. The Ace of Spades Top fits a bit larger than I prefer and I find myself still needing extra support, which is probably not true for everyone. If you do have size problems, they seem more than willing to do exchanges.

If you’re interested in trying Ellie, they offer a really unique “subscription” service that ships you your choice and size of cute workout gear each month. The subscription is $49.95 per month for 2 pieces, but you can also buy the pieces separately for around $35 to $60 each. Plus, if you click through my link you can get 20% off your order! I am a deal diva so I actually find the subscription service to be a MUCH better bang for your buck, especially since you can cancel at any time.

What motivates you to workout or eat healthier?

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